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Who can be KKEF Sponsor?


Sponsorship is a special kind of giving that enables one to join our cause of transforming the lives of young people in Kenya and promoting peace through education. Being a KKEF sponsor provides the unique opportunity to nurture a needy child's education dreams into reality and experience the journey of lives being transformed over time.


Does sponsorship allow me to be matched with an actual child?


It is possible to directly sponsor a needy child. We are looking to start a program called, Sponsor to Child (STC). Under this project, the sponsor commits to pay the child's education for 4 consecutive years (Form 1 to Form 4). The student, on his/her part, commits to work hard and attain their full academic potential.


What do I need to do to become a sponsor?


KKEF normally requests persons who wish to become sponsor to pay the annual sponsorship fee before the beginning of a sponsorship year as well as fill out and submit a KKEF "sponsor commitment pledge form" (available for download on our website).


Can I send letters to my sponsored child through the KKEF office?


Yes, it is ok to send letters through our office. We assist the children by centralizing the sponsor-to-child communication in our office, where they write letters during the school holidays, and we send them to sponsors, as many of them don't have the ability to post or email letters.



How much does it cost to sponsor a child's education?


The average cost of sending a child who meets KKEF criteria to the regular public boarding secondary school in Kenya is equivalent to about 1000 USD per year (or 85 USD per month) although the exact foreign currency may differ slightly depending on the exchange rate.


How long does secondary school education take?


Secondary school education in Kenya takes four years - from Form One to Form Four. The secondary school academic year begins in January and ends in December.


Will I get regular updates and be able to communicate with the child that I sponsor?


You will be able to communicate with your sponsor child through letters, and receive regular updates (including school report cards) on the performance of your child.


Are my contributions tax deductible?


Yes. Creative Visions Foundation on behalf of KKEF issues a tax receipt for all donations received from the US. Unfortunately, no tax deductible arrangements exist for other countries at the moment.


Can I arrange for monthly deductions from my credit card?


Yes it is possible to sign up for a recurring monthly donation. Sign up for a monthly donation.

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